This assignment is about documenting what we learned in Input Devices week that includes understanding different sensors and probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals on one of the boards we made as a part of individual assignment for this week.
Objectives of the Group Assignment:
- Probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals
Input Device that we probed for it's analog and digital signals:
- IR sensor
- Potentiometer
To probe the digital signal of an input device, we connected IR sensor to the Input devices board and activated the sensor after programming the board through arduino IDE. First connected the board to DSO (Digital storage oscilloscope) and probed in to sensor's digital waves as shown below.
Later to probe the analog levels of an input device, we connected potentiometer to the Input devices board and progammed the board for analog read through arduino IDE. After that we connected the board to DSO (Digital storage oscilloscope) and probed in to sensor's analog levels waves as shown below.